A few folks have written to ask about Dixie… our crazy cat that is suffering from flea dermatitis really bad. Well, I’m happy to report that she got the collar taken off and was doing pretty good. She’s flea free, but she still has been scratching and acting weird, so we have to really watch her and try to stop the cycle some. She might have to go back on the collar because she’s reacting to the last bits of scratches healing and thinks it a flea and starts acting insane. She’s always been our neurotic one, and now, she really looks weird with most of her hair licked off in patches and all.
We made her a little jacket out of an old sock and that seemed to help some, but she didn’t like it much. I think I might see about getting her a little doggie sweater or hoodie and see if we can stop her from hurting herself. We’ve tried so many things with her, she’s just a weird kitty. The vet has said we just have to keep her clean and stop her from excessive scratching to let the boo boos heal, but that’s easier said than done! But she’s hanging in there and although miserable at times, she’s getting a TON of attention and whenever anyone is just sitting or watching tv or anything, they have Dixie in their lap to keep her from itching!
Do they make Rograine for cats? Hahaha…
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