Well… we decided we could wait no longer. The potato plants had all wilted and turned kinda brownish and we were so excited about our grow bags that promised 20+ pounds of potatoes per bag! 60 pounds of potatoes! WOW!…
Okay, well, guess what. We got 4 pounds. Total.
HAHAHA…. well, i dunno. Guess they weren’t in the right place? Soil wasn’t right? Not enough love? Something…. the haul was pretty pathetic! But I have to tell you, those taters tasted AWESOME… We took half and chopped them in chunks and drizzled a little olive oil and some garlic and coarse salt and roasted them… oh my gosh, they were good.
Will I try again next year? Maybe. Just probably not in the grow bags! I think I will have Tim build us a couple tall beds for the potatoes to grow in…. yeah….

Taters! My dad haverested our first taters yesterday as well. Was yesterday national tater harvesting day and I didn’t get the memo? Well we got two heavy taters. We didn’t do grow bags. I have no clue where they’re planted otherwise I would start digging for more! Thanks for the video too! It was great watching everyone get excited over something simple. Ahh. It’s great.
WE are easily amused by many things!
Yeah, I think we’ll do taters again, but I was pretty disappointed in such a small harvest! When you see a 10 pound bag of potatoes in the store for $3, you begin to wonder about taking all the time and effort to grow only 4 pounds! hahaha… the seed potatoes cost me more than our yield!
But those taters tasted SO DANG GOOD…. there is something to be said for that!
Thanks for writing!
Now thinking about it and looking at your photos of the bags, I don’t think they got enough sun. I nice tall tater bed would be great. You better get Tim on it!