As you might remember, we had two spring pig litters this year, resulting in eleven piglets! We had such a good time raising them all up… so fun to see so many little porkers in with the adults!
But slowly, one or two at a time, we have sold them to new homes! We only have three left at the moment and that is good, because we are pretty sure we have another two litters arriving sometime in the next six weeks!
Two little girl piglets went to their new home way up in Michigan last week… and because of the laws and rules of Michigan, they had to be tagged and vet checked before they could cross the state lines. That was something new for us! We we corralled them all before our vet came out with her husband to help give them a health check and get them tagged and ready to go. Needless to say, they were not impressed with farm exams!
And then when we were all done here, they were loaded up in an dog crate and we met the new owner’s mom in Ann Arbor, Michigan! I’ll bet that the little shopping center we met at doesn’t have hog transfers take place too often! Actually, they were very good little travelers. Most livestock seems to be pretty calm about road trips. I think they are a little too scared to be naughty!
I can see that the girls are settling in so nicely… they are getting lots of treats and attention there! And apples!!! Look at that big bowl of apples!!!
Nom, nom, nom, nom… this was sure worth the trip!!!
Everyone else at the homestead seemed to not really notice their absence. I guess that is the way of hogs. More food for those left! We still have the last three available for sale, but if they don’t sell, then we will raise them up for freezer camp some time in the very early spring.
Guess that is the best part about raising pigs! If you can’t sell them as piglets for breeding stock or for others to raise for meat, you can always raise them yourself and have a nice little stash for the freezer later on. Not too many people out there that don’t like good honestly raised pork, especially gourmet pork like American Guinea Hogs!
What you talkin’ about??? Freezer Camp???? Do they have fun activities there? Hmmm…
I gotta say, we raise some cute little piglets! Pigs are one of our favorite animals to raise! For the most part, they are pretty easy. Every so often, the little ones get out! They are sneaky… they don’t have to dig too big of a hole to sneak under the fence! Seems like every litter has a few naughty ones that will do so a time or two. Thankfully, they stick right around Momma, just running about in the middle yard and exploring a little bit! I wish we could let them out a lot more, but the little diggers like to make ruts in the grass hunting for grubs in the lawn! Sorry piggies! Back to the pen for you!