Okay.. this is one of those things that I found in an old magazine and we tried it and it’s pretty darn good. Simple too.
It’s call a Dump It Cake. Basically because it’s really just dump some stuff in a pan and bake it and eat it. Great for beginning cooks or kids at college or moms that don’t have the time to make anything too fancy.
Basically, it’s like three ingredients.
A yellow cake mix, 2 stick of butter and a can of crushed pineapple.
You can add some walnuts to the mix if you want, but my kids don’t like them, so we never do.
Open and dump can of pineapple in to a pan. I used a small pan, but to be honest, it works a little better if you use a 9 x 12 pan. Much better.
Juice and all.
Kinda smooth it out evenish. You can just shake the pan. Remember, this is supposed to be QUICK and EASY.
Dump the cake mix over the top.
Kinda make sure it covers all the pineapple.
Not like rocket science here, and if you HAVE to, you can use a knife or spoon or something, if you feel this is bothering you that it’s so simple.
Melt the two sticks of butter in the microwave for a few moment, until it’s liquid. Don’t burn it, or make it brown, or anything fancy. Just enough to pour it all over the cake mix.
Simple is the key here….
Don’t mix it or anything like that. Just pour, all over, kinda dribble and have fun.
Set oven for 350 degrees and pop this bad boy into the oven and let it cook about 30-40 minutes. Keep you eye on it… it should get nice and kinda brown looking… lumpy is good.
Perfect! Well, maybe just a little done well… but it still works good. Like I said, this is really a no brainer desert.
You can serve it with vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream or maybe Coolwhip…. yeah…. or just eat it warm and yummy and crumbly…
I imagine you could use other smushed fruit topping. I wonder what cherry fruit and a chocolate cake mix would be like. ooooooh….. Trailer Park Black Forest Cake! hahahahaha….
Yeah. That’s fancy eatin.
Save that for your in-laws.