I’ve had these two lovely old horse post card prints for a few years now. I just love them. Pencil with watercolor, they are beautiful. One day, I decided to look up the name of the artist. Alderson. What a delightful story I found!
Apparently, it is not just one artist, but a pair of sisters from Britain who were born in 1900 and began painting horses and animals to pass the time. One sister would drawn and paint the front of the horse and the other, the back end! They would sit together and work as a team.
Pretty amazing! These sisters names were Dorothy Margaret & Elizabeth Mary Alderson.
Sometime in the 40s or so, a Switzerland printing firm began to offer lovely art postcards and chose six of their paintings for a series. I didn’t know this and when I found out, I began to snoop around and see what I could find! I had the black mare and the dappled gray mare in the two old frames. I’d like to frame them a bit better, because the cards are okay but the mats have a little damage. Soon!
Well, I found three more of the post cards! Yeah!
A liver chestnut, with a delightful birthday note on the backside and then a sorrel and a pretty light golden brown horse. I think there is one more, but I haven’t been able to be sure! There is not a lot of information about them.
Now, I’m not a big art collector at all, but recently, my friend Jess bought a painting in a pile of old art for a dollar of a bunch of St. Bernard pups. Turns out it was an original painting of this fellow who was well known for dogs and she sold it at auction for several thousand dollars! Wow!
I know a couple post cards from the 40’s are not the same, but you know, I love them. Love the style, and of course, the subject matter and just everything about the whole cute story. I just love the sisters! I wish I knew more! I have seen some scans of other paintings they have done, some working horses in the field and towns, just really neat. I think that I will collect their work, slowly and carefully. The Alderman sisters. How cool is that?
I found these on eBay and Etsy. I didn’t pay more than $6 a card if I remember. The two framed prints I got for $10. Once I get the last card, I might frame them all in a similar look so they can all work nicely together.