Maggie and I had just finished a big project and were sitting in the shade, discussing various other homestead plans and actions. Along comes Dammartin, one of our free range roosters and he looks at us and then nonchalantly sets down to listen. It was so funny and kind of odd. Of course, he’s one of our hand raised chicks and I guess he’s not afraid of us but it was just weird how he just sat down and joined in on our conversation.
I told Maggie, maybe he’s a spy for everyone and is checking up on plans to tell the rest of the animals. We laughed. He was watching me talk and then watching Maggie talk like he was watching a tennis match.
So then I started to whisper to Maggie about how we were going to sell all the chickens and get rid of the roosters… haha… well, he jumped up and was suddenly alarmed and ran off to join the other chickens! I guess he was a spy…