Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to the new year! I know we sure are! 2014 was a pretty tough year for us here at the homestead, but we made it and are ready for a great year to come.
We’ve been really busy with rock orders for the holidays and thankfully, they are all done and shipped and we are pretty sure we had 100% delivery success! We are waiting on ONE box… it says it was delivered, but the customer thinks not… weird… 99% will be good too…
And we’ve had the wonderful Community Action guys out for two weeks! They are doing so many nice things to our old farmhouse… it’s just so humbling and we are so grateful! Mostly insulation issues, and its so nice and warm in here now, just heaven.
It’s so warm outside right now… just weird. almost 50 degrees! Balmy and sort of muddy wet. All the animals are frisky and muddy! The ponies look like little coal pit ponies… just covered in dirt and mud! No sense trying to clean them up until it gets a little colder again and everything hardens up. They just seem to delight in making themselves a mess! Fuzzy little dirtballs!
We are mostly working inside the house, just organizing and trying to fix little things, so enthused by all the work being down underneath! Been playing around with a few paint colors for the dining room and living room… and of course, we can’t really find a good color that everyone agrees on! I think we are getting closer, though. We are painting a few ceilings first and that is up on the agenda for this weekend.
Everything is just sort of in automatic coast mode at the moment. Relaxing some from the holiday rush and all, and just getting our noodles around the new year and plans! We really want this to be our very best year… in March we will be here at the farm four years… going into our fifth growing season! I just can’t wait… feeling so much more fantastic, life is good and I really want to get to some things that seem to have been placed on hold! We’re really looking forward to a great 5th year!!!
Santa Goatie has to be a pain in the patooty and not play around for holiday photos, eh?