What a wonderful day… I finally got the gumption to get old Rosie warped up and started again. I wove for awhile without any pain or discomfort. Yeah! I so missed using my big old Union loom but it was just a little daunting after my medical adventures… Today is week seven after the final surgery and I am feeling fantastic. They are still messing with my blood thinner and I have to take a mess of blood tests until they get the balance right. But other than that… everything else is just fantastic.
I can’t wait to really get into more crafts and weaving for the new year. It’s a personal goal of mine, just to spend a lot more time creating… making art and good things for people to enjoy and love. I love doing the inkle band weaving for sure, but nothing beats getting the big antique loom going! It just feeds my soul with something that has been missing awhile…