Happy birthday to our sweet Maggie!
Patron saint of all little critters! Power tool using, woodworking sign maker, critter chore queen, witty sayer of sarcasm, and generally swell and awecious young lady! Happy twentieth birthday kid!!!!!
I can’t believe my baby girl is twenty years old! I can’t believe my oldest daughter is going to be twenty four in two months, too! My gosh! When did that happen???
I’m so proud of these young ladies, both of them. I know that you all might know that already, but I sure am. And it’s so nice that others see their great potential and help to support that as well.
Maggie has just been flourishing…. growing up into a super cool young lady. I think moving out here to the our little homestead has been so good for her, in so many ways. She has all her animals and just the room to be Maggie… to do what she wants to do and make things happen.
So, she was a bit perplexed with this big box came to the house.
She says… “Mom, I think it’s for me….”
Yup! It is… (shhh…. I was in on the secret…)
Her Grandma and Grandpa asked me what they could do to help Maggie’s company! Her sign and vinyl cutting business she is getting started with. I knew just the thing… a larger, more professional cutter! She has a great little 12 inch cutter and we’ve gotten it to do some very amazing things, but the truth of the matter is, it is a bit too small for some of the larger jobs that have come along! And some, we’ve had to refused.
So when she opened up this box and found a wonderful 25″ cutter and software for it… she was so floored! It was a delightful surprise! And it was only a few days that she would get to put that bad boy to work!!! Doing a pair of race cars for our local racing track… Oakshade Races!!!
I designed some of the logos, but Maggie does all the cutting and assembly and then the application of the decals. I think she is doing a fantastic job! She’s learning, there is a curve to getting it all right, but so far, everyone has been very happy with her efforts! She’s sure to get more and more orders from everyone!
This Grizzley car, she did the hood decal… fancy with two colors of vinyl! and the side and top numbers… sponsor decals and some fun illustration decals on the sides!
This other car, she did the same, a hood decal of a logo I designed for the driver as well at the side decals, numbers, roof numbers and sponsor logos! What was fun is that they asked her to put a Signs By Maggie decal on each car too! How neat!
She’s so excited about this cutter. And she’s using her birthday money as well to buy supplies for it in the larger format! She’s gonna be ready for anything now! Even big trucks, they can be done in splits and applied for some pretty darn big projects. It cuts 25 inches wide and I believe 50 feet long if required. Pretty neat! The other cutter will be a great cutter for smaller projects and as a back up to the big cutter. She’s on her way to building up all she needs for a wonderful career as a sign artist!
So Happy Birthday to a great kid… and here’s to the next wonderful twenty years!!! I’m sure they will be great and she’ll do fine!!!
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Happy Belated Birthday here too now! (And on FB lol)