Okay… this is my set list of a few of my more “polished” numbers… haha… things that I know a little more by heart. Because, that’s the way us banjer players do it… we don’t use no stinking music sheets! (hahaha) ahem. Well, also, I’m self taught for the most part on the piano, so it’s just the way I do it, learned a lot of things by ear.
Now, just to show that I can read music… well, sort of… This is my not so polished video! We got this Liberace Big Note song book at a garage sale for like fifty cents and I’ve been playing around with it for the last week or so. So have the girls. Most of the stuff in it, we haven’t a CLUE how it SHOULD sound, so we just kinda clunk through them or just pass it by. The girls have been laughing at some of the old titles… there are some doozys in there. Something about “We Shouldn’t Be In The Apartment Alone….” and other classics from forgotten 1970’s movies! Thank goodness we got a Classical Themes EZ Play songbook off Ebay and I for one can not wait for it’s arrival! I think I’ve had enough of Baby Elephant Walk and the Entertainer for the last week or so.
Needless to say, I really don’t think I should give up the banjo. No… not really. But I sure do enjoy the piano, and we’re just SOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled that it’s here!!!!
Happy happy happy happy fingers!!!