We had a wonderful week last week… just getting around to writing all about it. Our Uncle Mark and his son Wesley came out to see Grandpa Bucka in Detroit and really wanted to come down and spend the day at the farm. Wesley was so excited to see the place and his cousins! I thought it would be wonderful. I haven’t seen Mark since the divorce and had never met his son! Very special… They live in San Francisco, so it’s not that often that they get out this way!
Look closely… do you see what I see? Yes… it’s MAGGIE!!! Standing on her own, without crutches!!! She has been given the green light of A-Okness… Dr McKernan said she has healed up wonderfully and she is done! She has one more week to use just one crutch and work into walking on her own. She can stand without assistance as long as it doesn’t hurt. And it doesn’t! Happy day!
Poor Cody. Some camera angles make him look so SMALL! haha… He’s a stallion you know, a huge tough stud pony! Yeah… right… haha… okay, he’s a big mush baby, but still… he is taller than 24 inches…
Wes and Cody were a big hit. Cody likes kids, he really does. And is a very good boy about being led all over the place and watching out for busy boys that move fast! Just such a good boy… All the critters like kids, for the most part. Sometimes they have to take a bit to watch and see if they want to get too close… but they sure like watching them run about the place! So much more fun then us old ladies… haha…
Buttercup and Daisy are our official tree climbing goat buddies for all kids that come to the farm! They love it… and the kids love it. They spent a lot of time climbing the windchime tree and enjoying it’s big old broad branches.
Is it okay to say I love a tree? Because I love that tree.
And the goats adored playing on their playground with Wesley! I believe he wouldn’t mind moving in here. Haha…. we wouldn’t mind! I think this place would be fantastic for kids full time. He was playing with the chickens, chasing roosters, hanging out with Cody and the goats and sheep and just pretty much having a good time. We put him to work feeding pigs and gathering eggs and harvesting stuff from the garden!
Daisy was happy that he was gonna take a little nap out there, because that is Daisy’s favorite thing to do… nap! We don’t call her lazy Daisy for no reason! Actually, Wes has a young chicken with him, that was pretty funny. They were following him around so he just had one with him most the day.
We had such a nice visit, it was wonderful. Had a nice big lunch spread of BBQ chicken and Maggie’s potato salad and other goodies from the farm! Tried to get a fire going but it was kind of a dud! I think our wood was a bit too damp! Still… hey, it was a fun day!!! We hope to see them again sooner than later!
Then, later that week, on Friday, we wanted to go and visit our friend Mary at her garage sale! And of course, to see her animals! Aren’t these baby goats adorable??? I have to say, I believe that our little pair, Daisy and Buttercup, helped to convince Mary to get these little sweet nuggets!!! The are just adorable!
We met Mary through our homesteading clan! And she brought her bunny WIllow over to breed with our stud bunny Cornelius. She had two darling little bunnies… June Bug and Molly! Sweet French Angora bunnies! Everyone is doing great!
Mary raises alpacas for their fiber and they are pretty neat. I have to say I don’t think we’ll be adding any to our flock at this point, but they are pretty neat to be around… so weird, yet so beautiful! I like their colors… reminds me of the possibilities of our Shetland sheep!
She also has a llama… and his name is Spirit… he is beautiful too! I love this shot, showing big Spirit and one of the little goaties!!! Huge difference, eh? Actually I was a little surprised at how large a llama is! As tall as a horse really!
I’m hoping that Spirit doesn’t take this moment to spit at me! haha…. Mary says that he’s a good boy and doesn’t spit.. but that occasionally the alpacas do!
Awww… this is Henry, their Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog! He was HUGE, but really sweet. I do believe he would scare off anything that wanted to bother the darling little alpacas!
Love the coloring on the tri-color doe! I believe they call this moon spotted… very pretty. The little carmel doe is darling as well! They are Dwarf Nigerians… still quite young little gals!
Aww… aren’t they weirdly cute? Love their haircuts… they have such beautiful fiber! Mary brought me over a lovely bag of their last haircut and I can’t wait to get a little time and try spinning it!!! Very pretty stuff…
We had a nice visit for sure and we got a hammock!!! Yes! At her sale… we are going to give it a good home… our old one finally rotted away… this one is beautiful green and made of a bit tougher stuff… can’t wait to get it strung and enjoy it for a little bit longer!
What a nice week of visits… it’s always neat to go and see other people’s farms and how they do things! Gives me ideas for our own little place… and it’s just fun to visit! Can’t wait to go back and visit again soon!

Looks like everyone had a great time! YOu can feel the joy coming through the pics!
Awww…what a great post! Of course I may be a bit biased because you posted lovely pics of my farm and critters!! We Loved having you ladies out…it made a very long garage sale day brighter!
And yes…the sweet and affectionate Daisy and Buttercup sealed our decision to get Rosie and Georgia!! I’m so in goat-love..I will see you soon