A few evenings ago, I was going out to mow the courtyard and I just asked if Maggie wanted to go outside. And she said yes! Sweet!
So Jessy and I got ready to help her out. Cleared the pathway, got snacks for the critters and helped her to navigate the stairs. Stairs are worse right now, just hard to get up and down them easily. Even with the crutches, it’s just a hard thing since she can’t put any weight on that leg.
But I must tell you, every single animal in the place was pretty much rushing over to see Maggie. Sure, they wanted treats, but they also just wanted to sniff her and rub against her and just revel in her presence! They missed their Maggie!
And it’s the most I’ve seen Maggie smiling in a long time!
Angus wants a cracker, not a pretzel. For some reason the goats and sheep don’t like stale pretzels… They will eat just about anything else in the baked good/snack food category, but they don’t like pretzels. Maybe it’s because they want a beer with it.
No, Buttercup is not attacking Maggie, she’s demanding her complete attention! haha…. Buttercup will try and paw at you, if you won’t let her in your lap. She’s getting to be quite a bigger girl lately, so when she’s clingy, you need to watch out! Daisy was being polite and waiting her turn.
Honestly, it was almost a teary moment to see her out there after three weeks of really not being outside much at all. She made it to the fire pit, sat a bit and rested and then wanted to go out and see her chickens in the lil’ coop. It was hard going, as the ground is a little unlevel in spots and she has to learn to navigate in open ground a bit better, but it was a good thing. A very good thing.
Jessy captured the evening on her ipod camera… she went to go and get some greens and veggies for her bunnies and snapped a couple pictures of my garden! Wow! It’s sure growing like nuts. I need to get in there and do a little thinning and some weed whacking and such. But, it’s all good, it’s growing and doing it’s thing with or without me at this point!
Maggie over at the chicken bleachers… as we call them. She wanted a chance to sit and watch Silver and Pierre with all their ladies in the evening.
Of course, Buttercup and Daisy like the goat bleachers, as they prefer to call them. They were very interested in Maggie’s crutches. I think they liked them.
This was the best therapy that she could have gotten… a couple hours outside to get some fresh air and a little critter time in. We’re going into week four… it’s gonna be a long summer for her for sure! She’s handling it pretty well. A little bored at times, but we’re trying to keep her busy and happy. She’s working on a bunch of really cool stock images for her vinyl cutting business and writing some letters to friends as well as reading the Lord of the Rings. All three books! It’s working out… she’s healing… she’ll be back to her farm in no time!
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When she gets to put weight on her foot, then she will become more mobile without so much effort and her goings and comings will be almost up to before the break. When our atheletes break lower legs or feet, the put them on this funny looking contraption that wheels and they have three wheetled or four wheeled. Here’s the link http://www.orthopedicapplianceco.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=5 If she is going to require being off her leg for a while, you might try to rent one for her so she can get in and out much easier.
I’m sure she is able to keep herself busy, but if she is of the reading type, there’s a few really good books that take me being completely down before I can read them because they are about a prehistoric woman and while they are very interesting and paint a really good picture of this young girl’s plight, they are intense. The first one is The Clan of Cave Bear….and they are cheap to download on the Ipad. You might try those for her. The young girl learns to hunt and provide for herself when she is banned fromt he tribe that rescued her when she was a little girl. Long story short, she becomes an inventer.
Thanks for all the good advice! I enjoyed reading the Clan of the Cave Bear stories for sure. I’m not sure if she would be quite ready for some of the more mature situations in the books, but they are a good read. She’s just starting into the Lord of the Rings. Maggie is a better reader than before, but she’s still a little rough at it. Her ipod and video games actually have been a huge source of encouragement for her to really work hard at reading. She’s just started to read some of the colored Fairy books… like the Yellow Fairy Book and the Red Fairy Book…. collections of ethnic folk tales from all over and adores that. LOR is going to be a huge challenge for her. She got through the Hobbit but it took her quite a while. I’m just glad that she still loves to read even with her challenges!
The Lord of the Rings is always the right answer.
Oh I agree. It should be required reading for everyone.