While we were in the hospital… we had a lot of waiting time. And while we were waiting, the girls both shared with me some of the pictures they had taken around the farm on their ipods… I just thought I would share some of the ones that really caught my eye. They are just neat glimpses into our little homestead that I thought you all might like to see. From both Maggie and Jessy’s point of view!

Now theres some seriously cute and funny pics! I LOVE that big old low tree that the goats are climbing on!

And those kittens from your last post a “squeeeeeeeee” inducing!
Okay, here’s one for the girls, “Cats can sleep anywhere!”
Hope the link works for you, but if not, just go to Bing and type in ‘cats can sleep anywhere’. (:
That was so funny! Thanks! We laughed and laughed!
Aw. I’m glad it made you laugh. (:
You should see the pictures of where children fall asleep! LOL
I love the kitty pictures…I couldn’t help but think you have a real peeping Tom…LOL